
Working with Brands
As a business, you play a huge role in the creative industry! We're working with businesses to enhance their capabilities with creators - builiding strong, reliable relationships!

Finding the right creators for you
Finding creators that fit your brand can be challenging! There's tonnes of potential out there but how do you guarantee they meet the needs of your business? That's where we can help!
Our campaign tool is built to help creators master the art of incredible story telling through platform optimised campaigns.
As a brand, you can use the tool to see all the amazing creator potential - catered to your needs, along with the ability to create custom campaigns that allow creators to meet your marketing requirements.
Let's take the guessing out of partnerships, and fit your brand with the right creators for maximum results.
Create bespoke campaigns
The biggest challenge for creators and brands working together is communication, trust, and clear goals for both parties. No more - we're taking these challenges out of the equation.
Our tool is going to remove the grey areas and allow you to clearly state your requirements when working with creators. During our original concept, we analysed what creators and brands need to make informed partnership decisions. And we're now using that to supercharge your engagement.
How can we guarantee creators meet your requirements?
Combining the creator profile with your bespoke campaign allows the creator to output an interactive campaign plan. This virtual social media assistant will empower them to act, and suggest content for the best results.
Live review creator progress
Great! You've got creators using your campaign, but how are they doing? Let's not guess - we'll just show you!
Our app uses creator social media data to help them nail their campaign marketing. But that same data can be used to show you how they're doing and show case your campaign success!
You'll be able to analyse your campaign performance in real time! And through multiple levels:
View multiple campaigns at once for global results
Drill-down to an individual campaign for targeted results
Go a level deeper and find individual creator metrics
Then check out individual posts to see what's going viral!